Xiamen Hard Spring Co.,Ltd - 0, China


HARD SPRING is known for product durability and adaptability for more than 13 years.. Spring are available in various forms presently. Torsion springs,Website:http://www.hardwaresprings.com, compression springs, coil springs, extension springs, garter springs, antenna springs, assembly springs and other specialty springs are found widely in every field.
compression spring is a coiled spring used as a component in the manufacturing of mechanical devices including, car valves and suspensions, electric switches, toy motors, pens, bed mattresses and compact disc players.
Extension springs are typically made with initial tension, which forces the coils to press against each other in the unloaded position. One character for extension springs is that hooks on their ends to attached them to the application,it is easy to recognized. Various hook styles and configurations are available depending on the particular application that customer used.
Torsion spring ,the coils wind into an increasingly tight spiral when a twisting force is applied. And it is also easy to tell from other springs.
Wire -forms prings are made from wire that is shaped into parts with precise dimensions. There are many variations in the design of wire form springs. Custom wire forms are manufactured in a variety of shapes to perform specific, as well as multiple functions. Providing existing or advanced product application designs for our factory then we will offer you details.

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