VIC-ZONE CO.,LIMITED. is a manufacture enterprise in mainland. Our
product brand is Vic-Zone and which is the brand of our GPS navigator.We concentrate in
High-grade electronic products.
Now our company deals in car electronics, digital audio and video.We have powerful
development, production and sale ability with large factories and we are ready to develop all
sales network over the world.
VIC-ZONE GPS navigator series, including 2.5inch-7inch GPS navigators, we can accept OEM order of foreign clients
Digital Camcorder
Digital Camera
We have more than 40 persons in our R&D team and about 1000 persons in our factory in Shenzhen.
The area of our production base is more than 13000 square meters. We also establish a
complete quality control system, and establish a product line without lead. So now our
products can meet the quality and service request of our foreign customers.
Sourth Asia