We are glad to inform you that we are manufacturing MAXIMUM DEMAND MONITOR and CONTROLLER. All H.T. Power Consumers of Electricity are allotted Maximum Demand in KVA by the Electricity Board Authorities. Demand Charges are paid for the full demand contracted. So, the contracted demand must be minimum possible to avoid such unnecessary extra payments. Maximum Demand monitor and Controller avoids exceeding of Maximum Demand allotted and so avoids the penalty and disconnection by Authorities. Our Maximum Demand Controllers have worked with more than 4000 satisfied customers for the last 12 years through out the country. Our product catalogue is enclosed for your perusal. We expect your valuable Enquiry/Orders. We assure our best services. We are glad to inform you that we are manufacturing MAXIMUM DEMAND MONITOR and CONTROLLER. All H.T. Power Consumers of Electricity are allotted Maximum Demand in KVA by