BGrowTech - Gujranwala, Pakistan


BGrowTech develops hydroponic fodder systems to help individuals and livestock farmers solve fodder security issues with indoor soil-less vertical farming technologies while reducing carbon footprints and mitigating climate change. Hydroponic fodder is a method for cultivating nutrient-rich fodder without soil, using controlled water, light, and temperature. Farmers can ensure fresh green fodder availability 365 days by using our automatic Hydroponic Fodder System. We can grow maize, barley, alfalfa, or oats fodder without soil by saving 99% of land and 95% of water resources in indoor controlled environment. Our solution is suitable for: 1- Livestock Farmers (who don't have cultivable land or water resources to grow fodder) 2- Integrated Livestock Farmers (having camel, cattle, sheep, horses, rabbits, and chickens in one farm) 3- Dairy Farms (in arid regions) 4- Poultry Farms (organic meat/egg-producing farmers) 5- Animal Rescue Organizations 6- Equestrian Facilities

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