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crucibles - Product

Place of Origin : Lahore,Pakistan

Product Description

we are a joint venture with M/S SanSebastain Harmanos s.a, Camino de Zorrozgoiti 66, Apartado 821, Bilbao 13-Spain famous producers of “Vulcano” brand crucibles.

Agreement was signed in 1978 between Sheikh Asif Amin and Mr Ignacio San Sebastain, under this agreement plant and technology was provided by M/S San Sebastain Harmanos s.a. Also research in materials and formulas was jointly established in Pakistan and Spain.

We started production of Silicon Carbide crucibles in 1980 under “Vu

Company Inforamtion
Carborundum Crucibles Industries
[ Manufacturer - Pakistan ]
 : asif chambers, 14-A,davis road , Lahore
 : +924236297786-7

 : Sh Asif Amin
 : +92423297786-7
 : +923004284868~
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