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Pressure Segmented Belts for segmented pad sander - Product

Place of Origin : Qingdao,China

Product Description

Pressure Belts, also known as felt tap, pressure abrasive belt,which mating all kinds of keyboard sander (also known as sectional pressure pad sander) and multi-cylinder transverse belt sanding machine, lining on the back of the annular belt, synchronized operatewith the belt. Applying to highgloss paint board.
as well designed and tough, felt chevron, backup belt at a reasonable price to assure you a well finished product.
Pressure chevron belts, regular size: 100*6850*3mm, 140*4350*3mm,140*

Company Inforamtion
Qingdao Jinwen Business co.,Ltd
[ Exporter - China ]
 : Xiangjiang Road126-9,, Qingdao city , Shandong Province , China
 : +8653267794728

 : Wang Gang
 : 8653267794728
 : +8618561685067~
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