This is the product title

Defoamer Powder - Product

Place of Origin : Shandong,China

Product Description

Antifoaming agent powder primarily serves as an essential component in cement and concrete products. It plays a crucial role in formulations that include organic additives, preventing the formation of undesirable air bubbles. Dry mixtures containing antifoam powder exhibit improved and more uniform wetting. The presence of air during pumping can lead to the formation of voids, which can be effectively eliminated by the use of this defoaming agent.

Company Inforamtion
Shandong Jufu Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.
[ Distributor - China ]
 : Bld.4-1001,No.2177,Tianchen Rd., Jinan,Shandong,China
 : 053188987705

 : jfchemtech
 : 053188987705
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