CARWAN-E-NOOR TANVEER - Lahore, Pakistan


CARWAN-E-NOOR TANVEER offers best services of Hajj and Umrah. We are fully authorized agents by the Government of Saudi Arabia & Ministry of Religious Affairs Pakistan. We have 22 years of experience in Quality Service, Satisfaction and leadership. We offer comfortable journey from Airlines to stays in the holy cities. We provide with relevant Islamic literature in Saudi Arabia & Pakistan to help the Hajjis understand the rituals. We also offer Hajj class’s weeks before departure to make sure all the group is ready and know the rituals. We guide 24 hrs throughout the travel by well learned scholars. Full trip is usually of 40 days but a shorter stay is also available. There are many companies or groups offering Hajj/Umrah Packages. What distinction us from others is -- we are group of professionals and keep our promises and provide the best possible service to our Muslim Brothers/Sisters.

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