Dear sir , Have you Want Substitute Product ? Our Product compaire to Other reputed brand like as word best company kaydon /rbc /silver thin / Ina /Fag / Timken / Nsk / Skf / etc..., & Prices are Very Resonable & Quolity is bellowe 0.050 micron./ I Hope you have try Only one time , we donot wont any advance payment, when i sent the goods and send goods shiping detailes ..........After .... Dear Madam/Sir, [Thin section bearing mfg & other branded bearings Importers ] Greeting from AFK Engineers Ahmedabad-India. We are one of the Indian manufacturer and exporter of THIN SECTION BEARINGS. Due to proved quality and lowest price, our THIN SECTION BEARINGS are widely accepted. Price of our products are lowest than any other manufacturers of this kind of bearings. Even lower than Chinese products. To see and/or download our catalog please click here"" If you are interested in our products, please contact us to