Shenzhen FineGift Bag Limited has been exporting all kinds of bags for 15years. We specialize in designing and manufacturing Women leather handbags, leather wallets, and Men’s leather bags. We always keep very high quality and have been cooperating with many famous brands.
Our own brand " Angel&David" was authorised of " famous brands of leather bags" by in 2012, for our nice quality, till now we already have 5 retail shops of our own in luxury department stores in China and are increasing our shops to 10 within next year.
Our monthly production ability is about 10000pcs leather bags. We can also offer very competitive prices for PU and nylon bags. We have skilled sample making team and develop 20pcs new leather bag designs per month. We can also make samples according to the customer’s own artwork. All your information will be kept confidential. We sincerely hope to start a long-term cooperation with you.