GlobeCore GmbH is the manufacturer of different types of equipment for waste oil processing, bitumen production, fuel blending, biodiesel production and more others.
We can offer you Oil Purifiers for waste transformer oil, industrial oil, hydraulic oil, turbine oil, gas condensate, kerosene etc. More details about Oil Purifiers you will find on
In our product range you also can find Fuel Blending systems. USB Blending systems are intended for: fuel saving; octane number increasing; cetane number improvement; blended fuels production; blended bio-gasoline (straight-run + bioethanol) production; production of winter diesel fuel and arctic gasolines (decreasing of a haze point and point of congelation); activation of heavy fuel (black) oil (processing and averaging of watered heavy fuel oil); low-viscous ship fuel improvement; production of watered heavy fuel oil emulsions; production of furnace oil; crude oil and oily mixtures processing etc. You can read more about it by follow
GlobeCore is the designer of high effective technology for biodiesel production. With this technology you will be able to produce biodiesel from bad fats, from any vegetable oils and animal fats. To your disposal are the systems with capacity from 1000 l/h to 16000 l/h. More details about GlobeCore biodiesel technology you will find by follow the link
GlobeCore can custom manufacture models in any configuration and is willing to explore new design to meet your specific needs.
You always can send us your questions to or call to +493021788825 and we will provide you with all required information.