Abdullah Enterprises - Karachi, Pakistan


We are the importer and distributor of Halal skin care and body care products These products are marketed under the brand name of ELHAJJ which include (moisturizer), Lip Balm, Moisturizing Facial Cleanser, Heel Balm, Facial Scrub, Hand & Body Lotion and Hand & Body Sun Block. The performance of Hajj is obligatory on all adult Muslims (muslim / muslimat) who have the means to make the trip to the Holy City of Mecca. Umrah is regarded as a minor pilgrimage as only parts of the required rituals are performed. One must be in good health, not only to enjoy the Hajj and Umrah but also to make as much ibadah as possible. these products are free from perfume and alcohol and specially made for pilgrims so that they can use it wile performing hajj and umrah or weather they are in ihram. the water based material is easily washable during wadhu

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