Society For Human Rights & Environment Protection. - Karachi, Pakistan


Society For Human Rights & Environment Protection.(SHEP NGO)-Regd. Dear Sir/Madam SHEP NGO is Registered Non-Governmental-Organization having its legal status with the SOCIAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT,CITY DISTRICT GOVERNMENT KARACHI. (Reg.# DSW 2062-k ). Our main Focus are : Environment, Health, Education, Human Rights, Legal Aid & Child Labour. Our NGO work for a real Democratic & Civilized Pakistan and working hard on health and pollution issues.We are working since "2002" In our country about 60% population are living in villages, these peoples are facing many problems regarding health and other facilities. We are working on safe drinking water to those area where peoples drink polluted water, for this we are planning for safe water plant in those area. There fore we are requesting you to kindly help us and give suggestions for implantation of water plant in rural areas. It is our short introduction you can visit our website for our briefly intro

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