Hebei aoxing industrial equipment group - Shenzhen, China



The Ao interest machine manufacturing in lake head City limited company locates at lake head City in the country good reputation of having the foundry.The Ao interest company is located in the southeast of Hebei, north depend on city Jin, the east faces Bohai Sea, 250 kilometers apart from Peking City, being apart from pond Gu the harbor is 180 kilometers, 80 kilometers apart from Huang Hua Gang.City Hu railroad, 104, 106 National freeways, the city Hu superhighway Zong Guan whole territorieses.Transportation very convenience. The company was established is domestic and international, metallurgy, machine, petroleum, chemical engineering, electric power, professions like electronics,etc.Provided in great quantities high-quality product and enthusiasm thoughtful service.The product of the company:Large Zhu piece, tool machine Zhu piece, machine Zhu piece, particularly have competition real strenght more by large list piece Zhu piece(non- batch quantity type).Appropriation tool machine, the machine slips Taiwan.The amount of flat panel has series:(the amount of platform has)Cast iron flat panel, cast iron platform, foundation flat panel, T type slot flat panel and examine a flat panel, the flat panel of Liu Han, lineation flat panel and benchwork work set.Inclined iron, inclined mat iron, the U type presses plank, the tool machine presses plank. The company is mainly engaged in a technique development, consults and serves.Various manufacturing that doesn't mark quanti

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