Guangzhou refrigerator electrostatic stickers printing - Shenzhen, China



Guangzhou refrigerator electrostatic stickers printing plant is a creative, design, plate-making, UV printing for business. Main printing PVC electrostatic posted, and car electrostatic posted, and electrostatic film, and white electrostatic film, and electrostatic posted, and can moved car posted, and glass posted, and environmental posted, and windshield glass car posted, and PVC not dry glue, and transparent not dry glue, and scraping award card, and making scraping award card, and production scraping award card, and scraping lotteries, and not dry glue scraping award card, and code not dry glue, and laser security marked, and Radium shot security marked, and laser trademark, and security trademark, and glue bags, and foil composite bags, and Crystal drops glue, and light lines, and pressure lines Radium shot, and mill sand, and PVC hanging brand. applies Yu cosmetics, and drug, and food, and electronic, and Laser laser color box packaging.

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