Dongguan city, the Business Services Ltd - Shenzhen, China



Joint Ann Hotel headquarters is located in Dongguan South City all Lee Road poly big electric business industry Park, is a professional for enterprise and the personal provides car rental, and tourism, and a station type service of hotel company, is Dongguan currently industry within professional of hotel leading enterprise, joint Ann Hotel existing bus car, and bus, and business car near 200 car, over 10 years driving age of driver team near 200 people, Guangdong Province 90% of tourism attractions hotel is strategy cooperation partners, professional for enterprises custom long, and in the, and short-term with car programme and annual personalized tourism holiday plans , Founded more than 10 years has been the praise of customers. Part of our customer service and service include: China Mobile, huahong, Samsung, RR Donnelley, statistics, marine Bureau, haisitanpu, Duracell, Fu ye. Thanksgiving in mind, services on line! We have been working hard!

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