Health Care Minerals - Lahore, Pakistan


Health the main concern at Health Care Minerals, from a family dedicated of providing health from the past two generations. We continue to strive for providing our services.

At Health Care Minerals, health is our main priority, we believe in good health for all which includes mankind and animals. We care for our customers, our workers, fellow beings and our animals. For us health is element of life which everyone deserves.

After a very deep research we came to the conclusion that in this time what do we lack in our lives, It was only one hundred years ago with the start of industrialization, that we initiated our disconnection from nature and her ways. That was “purity” of life. Fortunately, we are witnessing a trend to return back to natural, holistic methods for living and caring for our body, including a shift back to utilizing natural salts in this process. People everywhere are reconsidering the curing effects of natural rock salt.

Originating from the foothills of Himalaya and salt mines in various regions of the world, Himalayan Rock Salt is a natural resource which can be rightly termed as the “nature’s finest supply”. Health Care Minerals is a company manufacturing and exporting Products made of Himalayan rock salt ,we have the most passionate craftsmen producing state of the art crafts, we specialize in our area of work .We have the biggest range of Rock salt Lamps and Candle holders. We are well known for the exclusive range and new products that we develop over the time. The Salt Bricks and slabs is the product that is pioneered by us, we engineered the finest and the top quality salt cooking plates after a lot of research on the stone and practice on cutting techniques. We can now supply the top quality premium grade for cooking salt plates .Our other products include the salt animal licks, Bath salts, edible salt, Spa Products, and Skin Care Products..

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