Ingredients:hempleaf groundsel herb Description:Brown granules, sweet and slightly bitter in taste. Clearing Heat,Expelling Phlegm,Relieving ...
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Description:Filmlok pills,brown to brownness without filmlok;taste,bitter. Ingredient: Radix Bupleuri Chinensis, Herba Artemisiae Capil ...
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Description:Deep brown concentrated pills;odour,aromatic,taste,sweet,slightly. Ingredient: Herba Pogostemonis, Folium Perillae Argutae, Radix ...
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Description:Pitchy big honeyed pill, tastes sour, slightly sweet and bitter. Ingredients: Radix Rehmanniae, Rhizoma Dioscoreae Oppositae, Fruc ...
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Indications: 1.Hyperlipemia 2.Hypercholesterolemia 3.Duodenitis 3.Ulcer Using CO2 supercritical extraction technology, the product can maintain ...
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Description:Capsules containing light-yellow to brown powder, taste,sweet. Incoordination Between Liver And Stomach,Chronic Gastritis
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Description:The product is capsule with brown or chocolate powder; fragrant in smell, slightly acid and bitter in taste. Nourishing Kidney,Rem ...
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Description:Dark brown rounded big honeyed pills, taste sweet, sour, and slightly bitter. Reinforcing Kidney.Used For Impotence,Dysgenesis,Spe ...
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Description:Brown to tan suppository Gynecological Inflammation 3g*3suppositories*180boxes or 3g*5suppositories*100boxes or 3g*7suppositories ...
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Latin Name Trifolium pretense L. Family Leguminosae Part of the Plant Used Aerial parts Acti ...
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808NM DIODE LASER HAIR REMOVAL SYSTEM About us 1. We are professional laser diode manufacturer and OEM manufacturer. 2. We manufacture high po ...
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Do you have any interest in health e-cigarette for an easier and cozier quitting smoking? If yes, our healthy electronic cigarette would be a good ch ...
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Jamun is a healthy fruit with absolutely no trace of sucrose. It is therefore, the only fruit with minimum calories. Not only the fruit, but the seed ...
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Diabetic care juice is unique combination of nutritional rich and rare fruits and herbs viz., aleovera, amla, lkala jamun, karela, harede, bahera, and ...
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is supposed to be very rich with antioxidants and other beneficial substances that can influence one persons health. It has important phytochemicals, ...
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Amla candy is just like dry fruit and has sweet and sour taste. With us amla candy is available in pain sweet and chatpatta flavors and few more flavo ...
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Tea polyphenols has antioxidant and anti-aging, fall hematic fat and a series of good pharmacological functions. It used in animal and plant oil, aqua ...
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