This is the product title

High Pressure Grinding Mill - Product

Place of Origin : Zhangzhou,China

Product Description

High pressure suspension mill uses springs to exert force. There are cover cylinder, scroll casing, grinding ring and shaft block equipped on the engine seat. There are springs on the grinder roll and they are connected to spring pressure plates which are connected to roller suspender by screw. As a professional high pressure grinding mill manufacturer, this grinding mill we supply can grind non flammable and non explosive crisp materials with Mosh Hardness below 9.3 and humidity below 6%, su

Company Inforamtion
Henan Kefan Mining Machinery Co.,Ltd
[ Manufacturer - China ]
 : High and New-tech Decelopment Zone ,Zhengzhou ,Henan
 : 86-371-67996718

 : han pei
 : 15090271903
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