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Fat reduction liposuction / infrared / rolling velashape V9 body vacuum slimming machine - Product

Place of Origin : Beijing,China
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Product Description

Fat reduction liposuction / infrared / rolling velashape V9 body vacuum slimming machine
Professional skinlift and Fat reduction liposuction + infrared + rolling velashape V9 body vacuum slimming machines F-39









Physical Specification

Other Specification : Fat Reduction Liposuction / Infrared / Rolling Velashape V9 Body Vacuum Slimming Machine Professional Skinlift And Fat Reduction Liposuction + Infrared + Rolling Velashape V9 Body Vacuum Slimming Machines F-39 TechnicalParameters: Inputvoltage:AC220V,50HZ/AC110V,60HZ(pleaserefertothepowerlabelbehindthemachinefordetails) Powerconsumption:800W Fusesize:220V,50Aor110V,10A Largebodyhandle: Vacuumpressure:30-90KPA Infraredlightwavelength:700nm Rollerspeed:50r/min R.FEnergy:30W R.FFrequency:5MHZ Smallbodyhandle: Vacuumpressure:30-90KPA R.FEnergy:20W Rollerspeed:30r/min R.FFrequency:5MHZ Highvacuumliposuction+infrared+rollingvelashapeV9 Velashapemachineforsale 1.Vacuuminfraredvelashapemachine 2.Professionalfatreduction&skinlift 3.Autorollermassage Overview V9 Adopts Elos Technology And Combines With RF And Infrared Light To Generate Heat. It Can Penetrate The Skin To A Depth Of 15mm By Mechanical Movement, Which Is Far More Than The Depth Of The Other Devices Currently On The Market. While The Heat Is Conducted, The Mechanical Movement Is Carried Out Simultaneously And So Is The Fat. In This Way, It Makes The Skin More Flexible. It Can Improve The Figure And The Skin Surface. Although The Weight Of The Patient Does Not Reduce, The Patient Will Look Much Slimmer Because The Whole Fat Area Has Been Re-assigned. Features 1.InfraredLight:Theinfraredlight(withwavelengthof700nm)canincreaseskinelasticityand Smooththeconcaveandconvexsurface. 2.Bi-polarRF:5MHZRFpenetratestheskindepthwith5-15mm.Itfocusesonheatingthefatcells Andtreatscelluliteintensively. 3.Vacuum:Thevacuumcanincreasebloodcirculationandpromotecellmetabolism. 4.Rollers:TherollershavestrengthenedtheRFandthethermalpenetrationdepthsoastoreachthefat Layermoreeffectively. TheadvantagesofinstrumentV9 1. It Is The First Body Sculpting And Firming Instrument First Verified By U.S. With The Purpose Of Im

Company Inforamtion
Beijing Tuten Beauty Equipment Co., Ltd
[ Manufacturer - China ]
 : Pingxi Industry Park, Baiqi Town, Changping Area
 : 86-010-8178230

 : Ellen Zhang
 : 86-010-8178230
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