Chichi's bookkeeping service center in Chongqing - Shenzhen, China


Chichi's bookkeeping service centre in Chongqing, Qi Qi financial company in Chongqing, Chongqing Chichi's accounting firm was set up in August 2006, is mainly engaged in: Agent license, accounting books, tax agent's license annual inspection, audit, verification, agent qualification certificate, import and export certificates. accounting of part-time service, registered agent of the company, financial taxation agency plan. SMEs choose the billing agent to reduce corporate expenditures accounting cost savings at the same time, enjoying high standards and standardized accounting services and to improve efficiency. Billing agent will help strengthen the financial infrastructure and to improve the overall management level of enterprises, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises. Our dedicated service to all old and new customers, solve problems for businesses. Welcome new customer telephone or door-to-door business negotiations, we will answer questions and thoughtful service. Our charges in full accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and lower level, no fees. Company has received a lot of agency accounting business and new customers if you have any questions, consult customers will know the facts. 1, tax returns for various taxes, business tax checking and clearing various taxes Business; 2, forwarding business overall taxation arrangements, tax assessment of investment projects, bookkeeping making tax-related documents. 3, the esta

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