Noor Creations - Kolkata, India


Noor Creations is a company in the Biotechnology field. It is perhaps the biggest industry catering to customers worldwide through eco-friendly solutions. Moreover in todays urban world run by demand for Fossil fuels and strong dependence on Information Technology there are only a limited number of companies worldwide who seek to specialize in 21st century Biotechnology of Enzymes. We strive to emerge as a global supplier of these eco-friendly solutions at economical costs to the processing industries who are eventually the end users of these products.

Our product range consists of Enzymes specifically targeted for Industrial application. The major markets for these biocatalysts are Textile Processing, Leather Processing, Detergents, Food Processing, Paper Processing and Biofuel Industries where we place our exclusive focus on. We are currently catering to the Textile processing industry with our range of Amylase Enzymes for Desizing of Textile Fabrics, Cellulase Enzymes used for Biopolishing and Biofading of Denims, Cotton Knits and Woven garments and Pectinase Enzymes for Bioscouring or Enzymatic Scouring of Textile fabrics. We are also catering to the Detergents industry with our range of enzymes such as Protease, Amylase and Lipase for detergent formulations.

We will be constantly upgrading our product line to cater to the aforementioned processing industries as well.

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